
World Congress on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss





W dniach 14-17 stycznia 2016 roku we francuskim mieście Cannes, odbędzie się konferencja World Congress on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss. Czterodniowe wydarzenia, w ramach którego zostaną zrealizowane panele merytoryczne i sesje dyskusyjne z udziałem czołowych ekspertów medycyny rozrodu, takich jak prof. Bashiri Asher, prof. Gershon Holcberg czy prof.  H.C. Adolf E. Schindler (pełna lista tutaj: http://www.wcrpl.com/invited-speakers/), umożliwi poszerzenie swojej wiedzy w zakresie najnowszych badań i praktyki klinicznej w obszarze poronień.

Osoby zainteresowane aktywnym udziałem w wydarzeniu, mogą także zgłosić swój abstrakt.

Program konferencji oraz szczegóły dot. rejestracji, dostępne są pod poniższym linkiem: www.wcrpl.com


World Congress on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (WCRPL)
14-17 January 2016 | Cannes, France
View Online
14-17 January, 2016|Cannes, France




Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate and more importantly, to contribute to the success of the World Congress on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (WCRPL) that will take place on 14-17 January 2016.

Couples with RPL are seeking very much our help, when 50% of them do not have clear etiology and many other aspects are controversial.
The 2016 World Congress on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss is the perfect setting to get the most updated, state-of-the-art information on the latest developments in research and clinical practice in the main areas of recurrent pregnancy loss. It also gives you the opportunity to debate on controversial issues and to contribute, with your own voice.

The meeting will be stimulating, allowing each one of you the opportunity to meet and/or create your own professional network of colleagues and friends.

Prof. Asher Bashiri
President WCRPL 
Prof. Lesley Regan
Co-Chair WCRPL
Who Should Attend? Topics
  • Pharmacologists
  • Maternal Fetal Medicine and Ultra Sound
  • Imaging – 3D
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychologists
  • Rheumatologists
  • Infertility and IFV Units
  • Gynecologists
  • Obstetricians
  • Epidemiology and Statistics
  • Time Interval between RPL and a Subsequent Pregnancy
  • Implantation Failure and the Window of Implantation
  • Etiology of RPL
  • Genetic Evaluation
  • Cytogenetic Analysis and Testing of the Couple and Abortus
  • Infertility, Reproductive Endocrinology and RPL

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1209 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 5330 948